Tag: Nordic House

  • Lutfisk Event at Nordic House – 9-20-14

    Bring your most traditional or most original Lutfisk and the recipe. Compete for Most Traditional, Most Original or Best Tasting (or at least the least bad tasting). Valuable certificates awarded (along with breath mints and antacids).  Bring enough to share with about 8 people.  Last year we had Baja Tacos, Lutfisk pizza, and Lutfisk ice…

  • Nordic House – perhaps the best place on Earth

    I would really like to give a ‘shout out’ to Nordic House in Berkeley. They have the best supply of all things Scandinavian: delicious food, a tremendous deli section, gifts, cookbooks, clogs and truly the best herring you will ever try. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Nordic house has hosted Swedish cooking classes, Crayfest parties…