Crayfest 2015 – the Urban Kräftskiva! August 22
Psssst….hey buddy, do you like crayfish? Fylgia Lodge in San Francisco and Nordic House in Berkeley Present: Crayfest 2015! Enjoy an Urban Kräftskiva (Crayfish party) Including: Crayfish, Jansson’s Temptation, appetizers, live music and traditional Swedish/Scandinavian dancing! $30 per person. Space is limited, last year sold out! RSVP is necessary…
Jennie and Mark Walstrom: Skåda Uppå Liljorna
Gifted Bay Area musicians Jennie and Mark Walstrom played beautiful Swedish music at Nordic House in support of their recently released CD Skåda Uppå Liljorna. Jennie has an amazing clear and beautiful voice. both play nyckelharpa, and Mark plays a number of other instruments including sackpipa (Swedish bagpipes), mandolin and guitar. Their music magically transports…
Crayfest 2014 – Date Change! Now Aug. 23, 2014
Crayfest is an urban version of the Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party). Ours is an urban version, at Nordic House in Berkeley, Ca. We will have Crayfest on Saturday August 23rd (12 noon to 4 pm). Like last year, we will have crayfish, jansson’s temptation, other treats and live music and dancing! Change any summer plans…
Drone Magic – International Bagpipe Festival in San Francisco (yes, including Sweden!)
Drone Magic is a unique festival with bagpipe music from around the world. Pipers gather for the ninth time to perform the music and traditions of their heritage. From dark laments to fiery dance music, listen to the piping traditions of Spain, Bulgaria, Scotland, Greece, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Serbia and more. Bulgarian food…
Nordic House – perhaps the best place on Earth
I would really like to give a ‘shout out’ to Nordic House in Berkeley. They have the best supply of all things Scandinavian: delicious food, a tremendous deli section, gifts, cookbooks, clogs and truly the best herring you will ever try. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Nordic house has hosted Swedish cooking classes, Crayfest parties…
Väsen comes to Berkeley in March 2014!!
Väsen World famous Swedish super-group Väsen comes to the Freight and Salvage in Berkeley Sunday March 9, 2014 The Swedish word Väsen has three meanings—essence, spirit, and hullabaloo—making it the perfect moniker for a band that is part Nordic tradition and part whirling dervish. Rooted in the musical traditions of Uppland, Sweden, Väsen transforms venerable…
Singing Swedes!
Come and enjoy wonderful choral music sung by Swedish women! BCCO Fall Concert Series Berkeley Community Chorus and Orchestra Gounod’s Messe Solenelle de St. Cecilia Ralph Vaughan WIlliams’ Serenade to Music Saturday, November 16, 2013 8pm Friday, November 22, 2013 8pm Sunday, November 24, 2013 4:30 pm St. Joseph the Worker Church 1640 Addison (at…