International Aquavit Competition June 4, 2016
Vasa Order of America, District 12 (Northern California) is holding its second annual International Aquavit Competition. Entitled Akvavit Kryddat Brännvin World Championship, the competition is held at Sveadal (Swedish American Resort) in Morgan Hill, CA. There are three categories of competition: Most Traditional, Best Tasting and Best Presentation. …
Crayfest 2015 – the Urban Kräftskiva! August 22
Psssst….hey buddy, do you like crayfish? Fylgia Lodge in San Francisco and Nordic House in Berkeley Present: Crayfest 2015! Enjoy an Urban Kräftskiva (Crayfish party) Including: Crayfish, Jansson’s Temptation, appetizers, live music and traditional Swedish/Scandinavian dancing! $30 per person. Space is limited, last year sold out! RSVP is necessary…
Official Rules First International Aquavit (Akvavit) Competition 2015
Here are the official rules for the First International Aquavit Competition in Sveadal (Morgan Hill, CA) May 31, 2015. Official Rules The Official Rules for this International Competition are as follows: Competitors may compete in every category. Most Traditional Aquavit/Akvavit MUST feature either (or both) caraway and/or dill. Other spices may be used, but these…
Pläj Restaurant in SF
Going for our seventh trip to Pläj Restaurant (pronounced Play). British Psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott considered play to be one of the hallmark human accomplishments. For Winnicott, play involves taking some real item but conceptualizing it in a new way – which both allows for it’s existence in reality, but also involves the creation of something…
Vasa Order District 12 GG Cultural Leader’s Seminar – Saturday Oct 18, 2014
This event is open ALL Vasa members. October 18, 2014 (Saturday) – Biennial District Cultural Leader’s Event at Sveadal in Morgan Hill. CA. Start 11 am until evening. Light breakfast for those who stay overnight after the event. The District 12 Golden Gate Chapter of the Vasa Order of America is holding its’ biennial Cultural…
Lutfisk Event at Nordic House – 9-20-14
Bring your most traditional or most original Lutfisk and the recipe. Compete for Most Traditional, Most Original or Best Tasting (or at least the least bad tasting). Valuable certificates awarded (along with breath mints and antacids). Bring enough to share with about 8 people. Last year we had Baja Tacos, Lutfisk pizza, and Lutfisk ice…
Huffington Post: Aquavit – The Next Big Thing In Hard Liquor
Check out this important blog post! Everything old is new again: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5676585
Girls, avoid surströmming!
Young women and girls should stay away from herring, the Swedish National Food Agency has warned, as both the fermented and fresh varieties can harm fetuses and infants. Fermented herring, known to the Swedes as surströmming, is a Swedish specialty. It’s loved and loathed, putrid yet popular. And like moist snus, it’s one of the…
Crayfest 2014 – Date Change! Now Aug. 23, 2014
Crayfest is an urban version of the Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party). Ours is an urban version, at Nordic House in Berkeley, Ca. We will have Crayfest on Saturday August 23rd (12 noon to 4 pm). Like last year, we will have crayfish, jansson’s temptation, other treats and live music and dancing! Change any summer plans…
Nordic House – perhaps the best place on Earth
I would really like to give a ‘shout out’ to Nordic House in Berkeley. They have the best supply of all things Scandinavian: delicious food, a tremendous deli section, gifts, cookbooks, clogs and truly the best herring you will ever try. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Nordic house has hosted Swedish cooking classes, Crayfest parties…
Geijer Glögg (say it 5 times fast!)
Met yesterday with Martin Geijer, founder and glögg advocate of Geijer Glögg. This is a delicious and very high quality product. It tastes just like the glögg you remember, but has a clean, crisp quality. It reportedly mixes really well to create other cocktails. I tried it straight. Delicious! This glögg is made locally of…
O.P. Anderson Aquavit for Sale
Got your attention! You may know that OP Anderson was formerly the standard by which other Aquavits imported into the USA were judged. You may also be aware it is now almost impossible to obtain here in the U.S. However, your friendly editor has arranged with a local merchant, who is confident that if we…
Crayfest 2013!
Crayfest is an urban version of the Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party). Ours is an urban version, at Nordic House in Berkeley, Ca. We will have Crayfest on Saturday August 24th. Like last year, we will have crayfish, jansson’s temptation, other treats and live music and dancing! Change any summer plans you may have already made,…
Swedish Recipes!
The following are a (growing) number of recipes. All are tested and approved! Enjoy! A classic Thursday night dinner is Yellow Split Pea Soup and Swedish Pancakes (you just have to trust me on this one!) Here are two delicious recipes: Ärter med Fläsk (Yellow Pea Soup with Pork) 2 cups dried…