Mini Symposium on Swedish Immigration and the Pan Pacific International Exposition of 1915 – Swedish American Hall – SF
Mini Symposium on Swedish Immigration and the Pan Pacific International Exposition of 1915 Fylgia Lodge #119 VOA presents a night of Swedish and Swedish-American history in honor of the centennial of the Pan Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. Culled from our recent acclaimed district-wide cultural event, a series of speakers will present on…
Julbock Survives!!
The famous Gävle goat from Gävle, Sweden has survived to Christmas eve. The tradition in Sweden has been to erect a Christmas goat and the corresponding tradition for the youth of Gävle has been to light it on fire before Christmas eve (when Swedes celebrate Christmas). The past several years, the goat has been treated…
Vasa Order District 12 GG Cultural Leader’s Seminar – Saturday Oct 18, 2014
This event is open ALL Vasa members. October 18, 2014 (Saturday) – Biennial District Cultural Leader’s Event at Sveadal in Morgan Hill. CA. Start 11 am until evening. Light breakfast for those who stay overnight after the event. The District 12 Golden Gate Chapter of the Vasa Order of America is holding its’ biennial Cultural…
Crayfest 2014 – Date Change! Now Aug. 23, 2014
Crayfest is an urban version of the Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party). Ours is an urban version, at Nordic House in Berkeley, Ca. We will have Crayfest on Saturday August 23rd (12 noon to 4 pm). Like last year, we will have crayfish, jansson’s temptation, other treats and live music and dancing! Change any summer plans…
Family History Exercise
I thought it would be interesting to add a different element to our newsletter. As a bit of background, I am a practicing psychotherapist and I teach and provide clinical case consultation in a small clinical psychology masters program. In the program, I teach a year-long theory sequence, and in the second semester I ask…
Swedish Names
Swedish names generally fall into a few categories. The first is the patronymic – the ‘son, names. There are a couple of interesting points about Swedish names. One is that in Sweden, all the names have two Ss. The first S is a possessive S. Here we would use an apostrophe s (‘s) to show…