Lutfisk Pizza (Yep!)

Here is the recipe for award-winning lutefisk pizza. This dish is made with ready to use ingredients. No more soaking your lutefisk in a stream for 7 to 10 days (no waiting, more time to enjoy your lutefisk!).

Trader Joe’s raw pizza dough
ready to cook lutefisk
small red new potatoes
bechamel sauce
fresh sage leaves
yellow or red bell peppers (for color)
Havarti cheese
(optional – Swedish Farmer’s cheese)
(optional – Gamla Ole 35 week “stinky” cheese)

Make a simple Bechamel sauce. After the sauce is ready, let it simmer with 3 to 4 fresh sage leaves for 10 to 15 minutes while you assemble the other ingredients. Roll out the pizza dough to about 12 to 14 inches.

Cut the potatoes into 1/4″ to 1/2″ thick “coins”. Use about 4 to 5 ounces of lutefisk, cutting away the fibrous part, and slice small slices to fit onto the potato rounds.

Remove the sage leaves from the béchamel sauce, use the sauce as a base on the pizza. Assemble the potato rounds, placing pieces of lutefisk on top. Add Havarti cheese. If you are bold, add equal amount of Swedish Farmer’s cheese and about half the amount of the Gamla Ole 35 week cheese. Add slices of yellow bell pepper and chopped sage leaves. Bake at 375 to 400 degrees until crust is cooked.

Believe it or not, people will request a second portion of this pizza (a rarity when it comes to lutefisk).

Also, as a public service – please remember – we Swedes pronounce it LOOT-fisk. Garrison Keilor has popularized the Norwegian pronunciation of Loot-ah-fisk. Loot-fisk. Looooooot-fisk. Kinda rolls off your tongue, you know like lutefisk!