Jesper Arin in
Jan Guillou’s Evil
at the Southside Theater
Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., SF 941233
Friday (7pm), Saturday (6pm) Sunday (5pm), May 29-31
Tickets: $20-25, general admission; use code “SwedishSF” for dsct.tkt.
Jesper Arin Performs the play Evil at SFIAF
The play EVIL (Ondskan) will be performed by Jesper Arin at the San Francisco International Arts Festival. It is based upon the bestseller by renowned journalist and author
Jan Guillou and adapted for the stage by Benny Haag.
Evil is a one-man play about Erik, the abused boy and gang leader who is sent off toStjärnsberg boarding school, where he becomes friends with quirky Pierre. Erik has to take a stand when his friend Pierre is being subjected to bullying.
Jesper Arin received his training at LAMDA in England and HB Studio in New York. He is an ensemble member of one of the oldest independent theater companied in Sweden,Mittiprickteatern, and performs in both traditional plays and musical theater.
Jan Guillou is one of Sweden’s most highly esteemed journalists and writers. Evil is based on his own experiences at the boarding school. Guillou has written a number of bestsellers of which several have been adapted for the screen. In 2004 Evil received an Academy Award nomination for best foreign picture.
Generous Support from the Swedish Consulate General in San Francisco.
Venue: Southside Theater, Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., SF
Contact: 415/621-6350;;
Audience: Adults
Access: Muni
Parking: nearby